Guatemala Hue Hue Single Origin

$ 15.49

Available Now!

Whole Bean
Espresso Grind
Auto Drip Grind
Coldbrew Grind

Looking for a delicious, roasted coffee that will tantalize your taste buds? Look no further than get roasted/Guatemala Hue Hue Altos del Volcan Coffee! This amazing coffee is made with a blend of Bourbon, Catui, and Caturra beans, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup.

You'll notice aromas of cocoa and roasted nuts, with a clean brightness and subtle citrus notes. The flavor is chocolatey and hazelnutty, with just a hint of brown sugar sweetness.


VARIETY: Bourbon, Catui and Caturra

AROMA: Cocoa, roasted nuts

TASTING NOTES: Chocolate, Hazelnut, Brown Sugar

BODY/FINISH: Creamy, smooth, nutty

Hue Hue is short for Huehuetenango, an ancient Mayan city and municipality situated in the western highlands of Guatemala. Surrounded completely by the Cuchumatanes mountains, the world-class coffees produced here are known for their chocolaty, nutty flavors with just a touch of bright top notes.

So sit back, relax, and enjoy a cup of Guatemala Hue Hue Altos del Volcan's the perfect way to start your day.

LIMITED SMALL LOTS (not available by subscription)